區塊鏈(Blockchain)於金融市場之應用廣泛,尤其,近年該技術之應用延伸至資本市場(capital markets)並帶來變革[1]。其中,以區塊鏈作為底層技術之新型態的籌資工具(fundraising instruments)約自2016年起蓬勃發展[2],諸如「首次代幣發行」(Initial Coin Offerings, “ICOs”)及「證券型代幣發行」(Security Token Offerings, “STOs”)皆屬之[3]。此等新型態金融工具之出現降低了資本形成(capital formation)之成本、進而增加獲取資本之機會,並因此被認為可促進資本市場之民主化(democratization)[4];但是,其亦可能面臨於現行法規框架下之管制挑戰[5]。
事實上,目前世界上各國針對此新型態之工具的管制態度不一,有持相對開放之態度、亦有持保守且欲禁止之的態度。例如,英國對於資產代幣化持相對開放及歡迎之態度,該國之金融行為監理總署(Financial Conduct Authority, the “FCA”)近年積極地探討證券型代幣並將其認作傳統概念下之證券,允許其於符合法規下發行;德國亦持類似態度,並多次允許以資產代幣化為基礎概念之工具在符合傳統證券法規情況下發行[6]。相對而言,中國則持相對保守及小心之態度,其自2017年始多次提示基於區塊鏈之金融活動的隱含風險,例如此等活動可能係為非法集資或詐欺,並多次重申應禁止之態度[7]。此外,針對此新興籌資工具是否該管制及如何管制,各國亦有不同作為。於歐盟眾多國家中,多數國家採取逐個案檢視之方式,包括奧地利、比利時、德國、愛爾蘭、荷蘭、西班牙及英國;部分國家則正研擬是否另立或修改法規,包括義大利、盧森堡及馬爾他[8]。本文聚焦於上述之應用區塊鏈技術的資本市場籌資工具-資產代幣化,研究相關之法律議題。
區塊鏈正被廣泛地應用於資本市場並帶來市場之變革,此等變革究竟包括哪些層面?概念上來說,此等變革或可分為三個層面-市場結構(market structure)、參與該市場之機構(institutions)、及交易於該市場之工具(instruments),以下分別陳述之。
第一,市場結構由中心化(centralized)轉變為去中心化(decentralized)。傳統上,資本市場之功用在於透過中介者(intermediaries)以分配(allocate)資本[9],並自19世紀逐漸形成一個中心化的市場結構-例如證券交易可透過經紀人(brokers)並於中心化之交易所(exchanges)完成,進而達到資本分配之目的[10]。但是,隨著科技的進步,不同之市場參與者可建立私有網絡(private networks)以進行交易,例如傳統之經紀商或是新興之金融科技公司(FinTech startups)使用區塊鏈技術,於自行建立的私有平台上交易加密資產,從而淡化了例如交易所之傳統中心角色的重要性[11]。
第二,機構上之轉變與前述之市場結構相互應,於此去中心化的市場結構中,傳統之金融機構可能將被挑戰甚或是取代。自證券交易過程上來看,作用於交易前(pre-trade)及交易中(trading)階段之交易所、作用於交易後(post-trade)階段之保管(depository)或結算(clearing)機構,皆可被以區塊鏈為底層技術之交易系統、平台或機構所取代[12]。根據國際結算銀行(Bank of International Settlements, the “BIS”)於一份報告中指出,區塊鏈可使交易自動(automation)與即時(instantaneity)地執行,例如智能合約(smart contracts)即基於此特性,故可促進資訊協調(information reconciliation)並大幅降低交易成本(transaction costs)[13],此乃傳統金融機構可能面臨挑戰之根本原因。
如上所述,雖區塊鏈之應用可能為市場帶來不小之益處,但若要發揮該等益處並確保投資者保護,尚有賴於法律之與時俱進[19]。以歐盟相關法規為例,根據歐洲證券及市場管理局(European Securities and Markets Authority)於一份報告中指出[20],基於區塊鏈之代幣籌資工具所面臨的關鍵管制挑戰乃是否為第二版「歐盟金融工具市場指令」(Directive (EU) 2015/65/EU,下稱「MiFID II」)[21]中的金融工具(financial instruments)[22],其中,與區塊鏈代幣最相關者為MiFID II中所規定之「可轉讓證券」(transferable securities) [23],亦即可於資本市場上交易並移轉所有權之證券[24]。倘區塊鏈代幣可被認為屬MiFID II之可轉讓證券,將有一系列之歐盟證券法規適用,這些法規可能包括但不限於[25]:
- 公開說明書規則(Regulation (EU) 2017/1129)[26]及透明度指令(Directive (EU) 2013/50/EU)[27]:代幣發行可能須具備公開說明書並遵循相關要求;
- MiFID II及金融工具市場規則(Regulation (EU) No 600/2014,下稱「MiFIR」)[28]:代幣籌資參與者可能將被認為係投資、交易或提供諮詢意見,故須遵循相關規範;
- 證券集中保管規則(Regulation (EU) No 909/2014)[29]與結算最終性指令(Directive 98/26/EC)[30]:代幣交易之保管及結算須符合相關法令,例如應由經許可之集中保管機構保管代幣;
- 反洗錢與認識你的客戶規則(AML/KYC):代幣交易須遵守相關反洗錢、反資助恐怖主義及反詐欺之相關規定,例如對客戶進行盡職調查;值得一提的是,如前文所述,第五版反洗錢指令(Directive (EU) 2018/843,以下簡稱「AMLD5」)[31]已將虛擬貨幣之(virtual currencies)交易所(exchanges)以及提供保管服務之托管錢包提供者(custodian wallet providers)納入規範範圍。
其中,德國長期以來欲鼓勵區塊鏈之應用,並希冀成為區塊鏈產業發展中心及吸引相關投資的地點[33]。根據聯邦金融監管局(Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht,下稱「BaFin」),若代幣可轉讓、可於金融市場交易、表彰例如股東權利等之法律上的權利、且不為支付工具,即屬於證券[34]。於此法律框架下,BaFin於2019年3月允許第一件證券型代幣發行,一間以柏林為據點之群眾募資(crowdfunding)公司Bitbond以區塊鏈代幣發行債券,計畫之發行金額為1億歐元[35]。於2019年7月,BaFin再次核可第二件證券型代幣之發行的公開說明書,一間區塊鏈新創公司Fundament將以區塊鏈代幣發行以房地產建設項目為標的之債券,發行金額預計為2億5千萬歐元[36]。
有趣的是,根據論者指出,BaFin與多數評估證券型代幣發行之國家的考量不盡相同,易言之,被其他管制者認為可能成為禁止證券型代幣發行的若干原因,似乎未被BaFin採納。舉例來說,證券型代幣往往被要求應證明其流動性(liquidity),例如代幣應可於受管制之市場流通,但上述Fundament發行案中,其交易所非屬MiFID II中受管制之市場、且傳統市場亦無足夠之技術交易之,故其代幣無法於次級市場交易,進而流動性可能將受到限制;儘管如此,BaFin仍舊許可該發行案[37]。再者,由於證券型代幣應屬複雜金融工具(complex financial instruments),而投資者應通過一定檢驗已確認其是否屬認可投資者,但是,即使Fundament的公開說明書明白地以一般散戶投資者(retail investors)為目標且無納入例如上述的檢驗要求,依然通過BaFin之許可[38]。
[1] See Jonathan Rohr & Aaron Wright, Blockchain-Based Token Sales, Initial Coin Offerings, and the Democratization of Public Capital Markets, 70 Hastings L.J. 463, 464-65 (2019).
[2] Sid Kalla & Matt Chwierut, 2016: The Year Blockchain ICOs Disrupted Venture Capital, coindesk (Jan. 8, 2017), https://www.coindesk.com/2016-ico-blockchain-replace-traditional-vc.
[3] 首次代幣發行與證券型代幣發行為可相互比較卻完全不同之概念。簡言之,前者為在一定期間內向公眾銷售數位代幣(digital tokens)以換取加密貨幣(cryptocurrencies)或法定貨幣(fiat currencies),後者之核心概念則為資產之代幣化(tokenization of assets)並銷售之,以換取加密貨幣或法定貨幣,亦即,證券型代幣發行係基於真實資產之一種籌資方式。Steve Davies et al., Strategy& & PwC, 4th ICO / STO Report: A Strategic Perspective 1, 2, 5, 7 (Mar., 2019), https://cryptovalley.swiss/wp-content/uploads/ch-20190308-strategyand-ico-sto-report-q1-2019.pdf; Brian Curran, What is an STO? A Complete Guide to Security Token Offerings, Blockonomi (Mar. 1, 2019), https://blockonomi.com/what-is-an-sto/.
[4] Rohr & Wright, supra note 1, at 485.
[5] See e.g., Dirk A. Zetzsche, Ross P. Buckley & Douglas W. Arner, The Distributed Liability of Distributed Ledgers: Legal Risks of Blockchain, 2018 U. Ill. L. Rev. 1361, 1365-67 (2018).
[6] George Nicholson, Which Jurisdiction Are Preparing for the STO Revolution?, TokenMarket (Aug. 22, 2019), https://tokenmarket.net/news/opinion/jurisdictions-preparing-sto-revolution/.
[7] Id.; China bans initial coin offerings calling them ‘illegal fundraising’, BBC (Sep. 5, 2017), https://www.bbc.com/news/business-41157249; Tim Fries, Chinese Government Reaffirms Anti-STO Stance, The Tokenist (Sep. 15, 2019); 中國證券監督管理委員會,中国人民银行 中央网信办 工业和信息化部 工商总局 银监会 证监会 保监会关于防范代币发行融资风险的公告,2017年9月4日,http://www.csrc.gov.cn/pub/newsite/zjhxwfb/xwdd/201709/t20170904_323047.html; 中國日報中文網,关于防范以“虚拟货币”“区块链”名义进行非法集资的风险提示,2018年8月24日,http://china.chinadaily.com.cn/2018-08/24/content_36820673.htm.
[8] Deloitte, Are token assets the securities of tomorrow? 12 (2019); An update on recent Crypto regulatory developments around the world, Hackernoon (Mar. 1, 2019), https://hackernoon.com/an-update-on-recent-crypto-regulatory-developments-around-the-world-fa474c7da763.
[9] John C. Coffee, Jr. & Hillary A. Sale, Securities Regulation: Cases and Materials 1 (12th ed. 2012).
[10] David C. Donald, From Block Lords to Blockchain: How Securities Dealers Make Markets, 44 J. Corp. L. 29, 29-30 (2018).
[11] Id. at 59-60; Trevor I. Kiviat, Beyond Bitcoin: Issues in Regulating Blockchain Transactions, 65 Duke L.J. 569, 587 (2015).
[12] HSBC, Distributed Ledger Technology in the Capital Markets: Game Changers – Future Trends in Securities Services 7-8 (2019); Joseph Lee, Distributed Ledger Technologies (Blockchain) in Capital Markets: Risk and Governance 9-10, 12, 14-15 (May 18, 2018), https://ssrn.com/abstract=3180553; Andrea Pinna & Wiebe Ruttenberg, Distributed Ledger Technologies in Securities Post-Trading: Revolution or Evolution? 6-7 (European Central Bank, Occasional Paper Series No. 172 / April 2016), https://www.ecb.europa.eu/pub/pdf/scpops/ecbop172.en.pdf; Emilios Avgouleas & Aggelos Kiayias, The Promise of Blockchain Technology for Global Securities and Derivatives Markets: The New Financial Ecosystem and the ‘Holy Grail’ of Systemic Risk Containment, 20 Europ. Bus. Org. L. Rev. 81, 104 (2019).
[13] Bank of International Settlements, Distributed Ledger Technology in Payment, Clearing and Settlement: An Analytical Framework 13-14 (Feb. 2017), https://www.bis.org/cpmi/publ/d157.pdf.
[14] Lee, supra note 11, at 9-10.
[15] Davies et al., supra note 3, at 7; Frank Fehrenbach, Tokenization: Opening Illiquid Assets to Investors, BNY Mellon (June 2019), https://www.bnymellon.com/us/en/our-thinking/tokenization-opening-illiquid-assets-to-investors.jsp.
[16] Id.; Davies et al., supra note 3, at 7.
[17] Fehrenbach, supra note 15.
[18] Id.; Davies et al., supra note 3, at 7.
[19] See Fehrenbach, supra note 15.
[20] European Securities and Markets Authority, Advice: Initial Coin Offerings and Crypto-Assets 18 (Jan. 9, 2019).
[21] Directive 2014/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on markets in financial instruments and amending Directive 2002/92/EC and Directive 2011/61/EU.
[22] Article 4(1)(15) of MiFID II.
[23] Article 4(1)(44) of MiFID II; Deloitte, supra note 8, at 7.
[24] Id. at 8.
[25] Id. at 14.
[26] Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2017 on the prospectus to be published when securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading on a regulated market, and repealing Directive 2003/71/EC.
[27] Directive 2013/50/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2013 amending Directive 2004/109/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the harmonisation of transparency requirements in relation to information about issuers whose securities are admitted to trading on a regulated market, Directive 2003/71/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the prospectus to be published when securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading and Commission Directive 2007/14/EC laying down detailed rules for the implementation of certain provisions of Directive 2004/109/EC.
[28] Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on markets in financial instruments and amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012.
[29] Regulation (EU) No 909/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on improving securities settlement in the European Union and on central securities depositories and amending Directives 98/26/EC and 2014/65/EU and Regulation (EU) No 236/2012.
[30] Directive 98/26/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 1998 on settlement finality in payment and securities settlement systems.
[31] Directive (EU) 2018/843 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2018 amending Directive (EU) 2015/849 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing, and amending Directives 2009/138/EC and 2013/36/EU.
[32] Deloitte, supra note 8, at 12.
[33] See Karsten Wöckener et al., Germany: Blockchain, White & Case (Nov. 7, 2019), https://www.whitecase.com/publications/article/germany-blockchain.
[34] Susanne Grohé, What is a Security Token Offering (STO)?, Paytechlaw (Apr. 16, 2019), https://paytechlaw.com/en/security-token-offering/.
[35] The first STO milestone is German: Bitbond issues the first BaFin approved security token bond, Hackernoon (Mar. 5, 2019), https://hackernoon.com/the-first-sto-milestone-is-german-bitbond-issues-the-first-bafin-approved-security-token-bond-70925e61f2d.
[36] Ian Allison, German Regulators Approve $250 Million Ethereum Token Sale, coindesk (July 23, 2019), https://www.coindesk.com/german-regulators-approve-280-million-ethereum-token-sale.
[37] Across Legal Marketing, Germany register the first prospectus for an STO in Europe. €250,000,000!!, across legal (July 26, 2019), https://acrosslegal.com/germany-register-the-first-prospectus-for-an-sto-in-europe-e250000000/.
[38] Id.